Monday, May 9, 2011

I Thought Money Grew On Trees

The good news = Jonathan and I have excellent credit!!
The bad news = Jonathan and I have NO rental history!!

Well, it's not that bad of news.  We went down to the apartment complex that we are leasing from and paid our $99 move-in fee.  Once we got home, they informed us that they ran our information and since none of us have rental history we either have to pay a refundable $300 deposit or get a co-signer.

I called Mommy and asked her about the pros and cons of each option, but I still had questions.  So, I called the apartment lady back and asked her my questions about each option.  She informed us that if we paid the $300 deposit we would get it back when we move out and we could pay it when we sign our lease on move-in day, June 4th.

So if anybody would like to donate....NO, I'm just kidding!!  This option gives us more time to save up our mullah and pay it later.  Bad situation turned good!!

Also with talking to the apartment lady she found out that I was a student (for the next 2.5 years) and we got a 4% discount on the rent!!  ALL RIGHT!!  I knew there were perks for being a student!!  We will have a savings of $32 every month!!  That's $32 we could buy groceries with...who knew??

Now we are in the process of setting up our cable and getting rental insurance.  We already set up our electricity with Entergy, the company the apartment uses.

New mailing address cards & e-mails to be sent out soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget, I can teach you all about couponing that would turn your monthly grocery bill of $400 down to $5 .... tee hee hee or you can just watch Extreme Couponing on TLC! :)
