Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Job!

If many of you have not heard yet, I got offered a job at the beginning of April as a church choir director at April Sound Church in Montgomery, TX.  The church is about 15-20 minutes away from the apartment and is apart of a housing division.  The location is right off of Lake Conroe, a very pretty area with lots of trees and nice houses.

The church is located inside the housing subdivision called April Sound.  The members of the community wanted a church that was included in the division, that's how the church was formed.

They had been out a choir director for about 3-6 months so they were looking for somebody to start soon.  They interviewed several candidates but I was the only one who took the initiative to audition for the pastors with their choir.

The position is part-time, so I'm still able to finish school while I'm working.  I have enjoyed working with the choir already.  It has been such a blessing to receive this job; it is what I have always wanted to do.  The pastors are really nice to work with, giving me quite a bit of leeway when it comes to music in the service.  The choir and the accompanist are very sweet.  It's a growing choir program so it will be a challenge at some times but I'm hoping that this will be a great experience nonetheless!

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